“All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children”
-3 Nephi 22:13
-3 Nephi 22:13
Sandpoint Stake Primary Presidency
Please contact any member of the Stake Primary Presidency with questions or concerns. We serve as coaches and mentors to local presidencies. Becky Swanson, President 208-603-0975 [email protected] Alisa Yount, 1st Counselor 208-290-4031 alisaynt@@gmail.com Bonnie Burnett, 2nd Counselor 208-920-0290 [email protected] Sister Kristen Lorensen, Secretary |
Primary Resources
AnnouncementsThe stake primary presidency has resumed attending ward conferences and we're excited to meet with you! Please feel free to share your concerns and ideas with us when we meet. Also know we are happy to help during ward conferences in any way we can :)
New Updated HandbookA new General Handbook has been released and is available online and on the Gospel Library App.
Area Plan EvaluationHow are we doing? In October 2019, our Sandpoint Stake Presidency asked that all organizations review the Area Plan that was presented almost a year ago. All of the area goals apply to Primary, especially Encouraging the Rising Generation. Consider how your ward/branch is progressing this past year with encouraging the children to share the gospel with friends, invite friends to activities, visit the temple, tell experiences about the temple, talk about future mission plans and so on.
Click on the image below to get the PDF and read the Area Plan. New Children and Youth Activity ProgramNew Protection Training For All Adults Working With Youth and ChildrenThe church has launched a new program to increase awareness of abuse and train adults to spot problems and work proactively to protect the children and youth in our branches, wards, and stakes.
The new training is mandatory for all adults working with youth and children in any capacity including:
Calendar of Upcoming EventsMarch
Stake Primary NewslettersThe monthly newsletters you receive in your email tell the latest announcements from Salt Lake and from Sandpoint Stake. You will also get ideas from around the stake on singing and activities.
If you are not getting the newsletters and want to, email us with your correct address.
Family History in PrimaryOur stake is emphasizing family history and the temple across all quorums and auxiliaries. We need to be talking about these important parts of the Church in Primary and activities. Go to the Family History and Temple page to learn more about how you can include family history and the temple in your programs.
Share this site!
This web site was created to assist the ward and branch Primary Presidency in their callings and as they instruct and train local teachers and leaders. Please become familiar with the resources, training, and events in each area. Share this information with Primary teachers and leaders. |
We want your ideas!
We love to share ideas from wards and branches in Sandpoint Stake. If you have had a great activity, discovered a great way to organize a scout event, or figured out how to make your children love singing, we want to hear it. Pictures are amazing! We want them, but we also need you to get permission from parents of any photographed children before you send them to us to post online. We will never post the names of children online. You can use this consent form. We are serious about respecting parent's rights to decide if their children can be posted online. |