Preparation of your mind and body will need to be sufficient for you to endure trek. Prayerfully plan what you hope to experience during this great exercise.
Wearing the wrong shoes on the trek will rub you wrong and that means foot pain and blisters. Remember, your toes need room to expand, because your feet will swell a full shoe size as you walk on the trek. So be sure to bring only comfy trekking shoes. Running shoes are the best bet for trekkers because they are specifically designed for cushioning, motion control, and support. Keep in mind that hiking boots do not provide motion control features that many people need, and may be inflexible and heavy. And they are certain to rub you wrong! Since you know that you will be trekking soon, try to do a couple of walks with your trekking shoes and a light backpack. If, or when you feel hot spots forming, stop! Go home, rub your feet with rubbing alcohol and let them dry out. This should allow you to form calluses that can protect you on the trek. To physically prepare yourself for the trek, here are some general guidelines:
Walk 4-5 times per week
For 2-3 times per week, walk 2-3 miles, and 2 times a week, walk 4-5 miles
About 4 times before the actual Trek, walk longer periods of time up hill.
Remember, the trek experience is an authentic one. You will not have canned pop on the trek. If canned or bottled pop is a habit for you, we encourage you to "dry up" for at least a week before the trek.
Ask your ward clerk for your membership # and your confirmation date (this information gets you onto the Church’s website from your home or public computer.)
Click on REGISTER on the upper right portion of the screen.
Fill in the information asked for, including your membership # and confirmation date. Make note of your user name and password for future use.
Click REGISTER at the bottom of the page
Sign on using your user name and password. Check the box that indicates that you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Your name will now appear in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
Click on the SEARCH tab on the upper middle section of the screen. The green toolbar on the left side should have ALL RESOURCEShighlighted in white.
Enter the name, place (state or county) and appropriate year of an ancestor. Don’t choose exact spelling and don’t enter any more specific information.
Click SEARCH. If there is information available, click the hyperlink that refers to your ancestor and view and/or print.
To learn if ordinance work has been done for this person, check the IGIon Internet by returning to SEARCH screen. (You should also check theIGI and Addendum at a Family History Center, since the Internet IGI is not complete.)
On the left side, highlight INTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL INDEXby clicking on it.
Fill in ancestor’s info again [name (do not list parents or spouse), area of world, state or country; choose for date + – 5 years] and clickSEARCH. Click the hyperlink that appears if information is available.