Stake Primary Newsletters
Please use the newsletter as a resource to make sure those under your stewardship are receiving the information they need.
The general Primary newsletter includes featured articles, upcoming events, tips and suggestions, links to more details for everything Primary. Newsletters are intended to assist the local Primary Presidency and are prepared by the Sandpoint Stake Primary Presidency. The Primary newsletter is typically emailed in the first half of each month. It is also emailed directly to the Music Leader and Activity Leaders, according to the email addresses provided by the local Primary Presidency. If your Primary members aren't getting the newsletter, send us the correct addresses! |
Recognize Awesome!If you notice an amazing event or leader in your ward/branch, please let the Stake Primary Presidency know so we can share!
2020 Newsletters
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2019 Newsletters
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Changes in Primary: Read through the list of changes in Primary to make sure you're on board with everything. Don't forget the Temple and Priesthood Prep Meeting this month!
Informational Meetings for New Children's and Youth programs announced.
New Youth Activity Programs: get ready for the new youth activity programs and review how you're supporting the Area Plan.
Keep Families In Touch With "Come Follow Me": Read the list of ideas for supporting families as they use the Come Follow Me program.
New Guidelines For Missionary Work in Our Area: Read through the new initiatives being given to the missionary effort in our area including Primary!
Encouraging Come Follow Me At Home: Try sending home a chart to fill in as children read each month with their families.
Gathering of Israel in Primary: How do you teach children about gathering Israel?
Teaching Doctrine With Singing: Simple ideas to include doctrine with singing time every time.
Singing Time Ideas: Singing time is an opportunity to get the children engaged with learning the gospel.
Prioritizing the Temple
2018 Newsletters
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Hold the New Temple & Priesthood Preparation Meeting: Boys and Girls are now included in this special meeting before their 12th birthdays.
Temple Minute by the Teacher of the 11 Year Olds: In addition to the regular lesson, encourage the teacher of the children about to enter YM/YW to bringing something about the temple into the class every week
Games that include questions about the Temple: Purposefully find ways to include the temple in Sharing Time & Music activities.
Let Primary Children Tell about their Temple visit: Children actually do visit the temple now! Let them tell about being sealed to their family, visiting an open house, waiting while a family member is being sealed, touching the temple or visiting the grounds, etc.
Secret Ancestor or Temple: Let the children guess as you tell about one of their ancestors or one of the many temples.
Children Bear Testimony by singing and by preparing and giving their own words in talks and in the sacrament meeting program.
Temple Experiences of 12 year olds: Invite the 12 year olds back to share their temple experience with their peers still in Primary.
Family Stories Lead to the Temple: By connecting children to their ancestors through family stories, we help them care about doing family history and temple work for these family members as the children are strengthened and become more resilient.
New Converts: If there are new converts among the YM/YW, invite them to speak to the Primary about their first experience in the temple. All Primary children are also in the process of being converted to the gospel.
Songs About the Temple: Sing about the temple frequently and discuss preparations to do baptisms for the dead and being sealed.
Family History for Primary
2017 Newsletters
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Lead by example. Talk to the children about your own experiences with family history. Learn how to do something new in yourself.
Visit the Family History Center as a Primary class, Activity Days or Cub Scout group.
Send family history suggestions and resources home with the children. Encourage parents to schedule a Family Home Evening at the Family History Center.
Connect family history to the temple. These children will be able to do baptisms for the dead at 12 years old, and they need to be prepared now.
Suggest the games at as a good Sunday activity. (Note: is defunct. Try
Learn how to upload pictures to and teach the children.
Assign an ancestor report where the child tells what they learned about a great grandparent or other ancestor for their talk.
Have children write questions they would like to know about their grandparents, interview them, and record their story on
Help children prepare a pedigree chart and family group record as part of Faith in God (p 7) requirements.
Encourage 8-11 year old children to learn how to index, with their parent’s help and password.
Sing songs about ancestors, family history, and the temple.
Help the children create their own memory game, using pictures of ancestors or even their cousins.
2016 Newsletters
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